
should I

adopt a rescue animal?

There are so many reasons why you should adopt rather than buy an animal.  Not only are you saving a life but you are also getting a great animal and if you adopt an older animal you know what you are getting as the character is formed and you will be able to see its personality. Please remember that every animal we home allows us to save another animal and, as we are a not-for-profit organisation, it will cost you a lot less than if you bought from a puppy farm.

Adoption Information

Find out how to adopt it is quick & easy
  • How do I adopt a rescue animal?

    Rehoming an animal is a big responsibility and should not be rushed into. You should consider how having a new pet could change you and your family’s life.

    If you have considered all of this and think a new pet will add to your lifestyle then follow our step by step guide below.

    1. For dog enquiries contact Liz on 01963 32279, for cats call Sam on 07971079249 or you can fill out the contact form.

    2. Tell us about the kind of animal you are looking for and a little about yourself.  

    3. Our main objectives is to find good homes for all the animals in our care. We want to make sure that the animal coming into your life is the right one for you, your family, your lifestyle and your plans for the future. That way, the process of settling your new family member into his new home will be that much easier and means you have the very best chance of a long and happy life together.

    4. Not every animal will suit your specific environment so we will carry out a home visit to ensure that we find a pet that fits your circumstances.

    5. Visit the animals and take the opportunity to speak to us about our homing procedure and the different animal characters.

    6. If you have other animals you can make a appointment for both new and old to meet to ensure they get along.

    7. Once you’ve thought about your decisions and an agreement has been made between yourselves and the rescue you can collect your new family member. We do kindly ask for a donation for your new pet as this will enable us to carry on helping more animals in need and helping them find their new forever homes. 

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